As someone who works at a daycare he seems perfectly fine to me 🥰
Not sure how they evaluate in the UK but we just had our 2 year check up and my boy has a ton of words 200-300 but isn’t really stringing them together just yet. Our doctors wasn’t concerned, he said to wait around 28-30 months…(so around where your boy is), and if he still wasn’t putting them together then, to let him know and he would refer to a short season of speech just to give him a push. So I’d say your little man was doing ok.
I think it's fine. He's taking in a lot of words! Can you direct him to repeat words that you say? Being trilingual, I would want to make sure he is able to pronounce (or the toddler equivalent of pronounce) the basic letter sounds and combinations (like "ch") from each language you want him to ultimately speak. If he's going to need to be able to roll his r's for example, knowing that R is one of the last letters children pronounce, does he at make an age appropriate attempt at it or does he skip it or stay silent? Working with a speech therapist in 2nd or 3rd language might be great, not because he's behind, but to advance his skills as a multilingual kid.
@Bonny thank you, yes he does repeat words I say. With regard to the R, he doesn’t attempt that one yet, he skips it altogether. So Rabbit is abbit. I’ll keep saying them out loud!
@MJ_xo your son is doing great. My boy only had 10 words at 24 months. I am sure he’ll be talking in sentences in a few months !
@Jasmine thanks for your input!
@Katrina this is useful thank you !
@Gemma thank you, so glad your little one caught up !
Can’t shut him up now 😂
Thank you 🫶🏼 I’m sure yours too. I think some kids just blossom later than others.
So our little boy is 3 on Sunday and he’s only really properly started talking over the last 5 months or so! He definitely didn’t have 250 words up until a month or so ago and we’re not a trilingual household! I don’t think you’ve got a huge amount to worry about :)