My boy doesn’t talk or babble . Contact your HV if you’re concerned because they tend to refer on at 18 months but it’s not really a concern until 2 years . My boys under slt and it takes usually 18 weeks for the first appointment unless someone cancels and you get lucky like we did so it always worth getting put on the list for an appointment then cancelling it if you no longer need it down the line rather than having to wait even longer if you’re worried
My little girl is 17 months and says maybe like 3/5 words but I’m not worried at all because she clearly understands everything we say and can action it, signs for four different things, understands to nod yes or no to answer a question so although she’s not saying anything we communicate and she’s making noise so it’s not a complete mute issue. Hopefully that makes you feel better xx
My little boy is almost 19 months and hasn’t said much so I called my health visitor last week. She said the minimum amount of words to trigger looking into this is at 18 months is around 8, which is the exact amount my baby has said! She has put us down for a check but said it can take around 4-5 weeks for an appointment to come through, in which time I’m hopeful that he will start to say more. It is stressful, especially when his younger friends are saying much more than him, but I’m trying to be patient and just really hopeful that he surprises me soon 😅 Xx