I’m sorry honey I didn’t get the whole thing. 🥲 So , both were induced and both were natural birth no c section?
Incognito the above mama is asking if you’ve been offered a membrane sweep? A sweep is where they insert a finger into your cervix and strip away some of the membranes in the hopes it’ll bring on labour naturally. She is saying she had 2 sweeps, one sweep at 37+5 another at 38+5, her baby was born naturally without interventions or inductions sometime after her second sweep. I’m not much help, I had an induction at 40wks exactly due to pre eclampsia. I had a sweep the day before and was 3cm dilated. My induction was quick which isn’t common (less than 4hrs), but outside of some other interventions (AROM, episiotomy, vac & forceps attempted and failed) I delivered my baby vaginally. We had the other interventions due to neither of us doing well and that my baby was sunny side up. I hope this helps mama
I was induced (unplanned) with my first pregnancy. Doctor had to break/pop my water. I gave birth at 37 weeks + 6 days. I believe I was having preeclampsia along with high blood pressure. I went in on a Saturday evening and gave birth next day on Sunday morning at 8am. Prior to that, I had a membrane sweep (on a Tuesday, I think). I believe that’s what got me go into labor . I always tell everyone when they ask for stories/advices about induction. I tell them to be open minded (epidural or natural), stay positive (I know you’re scared, nervous, ect,.) and just go with the flow. I gave birth with no epidural (vaginal birth). I’m pregnant with baby #2 due in December and aiming for the same thing.
@s a r a 🥀 I tell people the same thing too. Don’t make a ‘plan’ as such, it leads to disappointment when it doesn’t go exactly how you wanted jt to. Instead choose preferences (ie. I wanted my labour/birth as natural as I could handle with as little intervention as possible). You don’t have to want certain things (epidural/c sect/episiotomy) but don’t rule anything out, at least then you’ve had the thought through your mind once or twice and it’s a bit less of a shock if that’s the way things begin to go. However I had told my husband “IDGAF what they say, I do not want to birth on my back and I want to be moving around as much as I can until I can’t”. Loooool, bub had other ideas. Birthing ball? He said no thanks, his HR dropped. Kneeling on the bed against the back rest? Oh he didn’t like that either. How was he most comfortable? When I was damn near flat on my back 😅
I see Sharnee has already mentioned that I had 2 cervical sweeps during the one pregnancy. I was booked in for induction at 39+0, but the second sweep my midwife gave me 2 days prior was all I apparently needed to get things going. I birthed him naturally with no intervention. Had a shot of morphine when I got into birthing suite and then gas and air only. Looking back now there were more signals that I completely over looked that hinted to being in labour soon. Baby was born with no vernix (waxy protective coating that covers prem babies) so he was completely cooked and ready to come out. I don’t think I’d have ever made it to 40w.
Sorry, I know this isn’t the answer to your specific question but some info that might help you make a decision on delay or not. I have had elevated blood pressure too and some other signs of preeclampsia but was given a BP monitor to check it at home and go to the hospital every 2 weeks for further checks. They can check your blood, urine, growth scan and the placenta and blood flow through the cord to make sure everything is still ok. I am 38+4 and they want to induce me at week 40 but I haven’t set the date yet. I have mid wife next week, then consultant at week 40 and if no baby by then, I’ll book in a date.
Thank you very much Sara !! Thank you Sharnee. Question what happened with your milk, when is so early we’re you able to breast feed your baby ?
Thank you Nicole , it’s very helpful , I’m scheduled for Tuesday 38 weeks , and I really having doubt if I should do it or wait . blood work is fine and my blood pressure a little high nothing crazy though
Incog yes I was able to breastfeed just fine. Milk production is triggered when you birth the placenta and typically takes 3-5 days to come in. Until then you’ll have colostrum which is nutrient dense and more than enough for baby
Thank you guys , today is the day
How did you go, Incog? Hope to hear that you’re all doing well x
Awwww so sweet of you !! well , did couldn’t do the membrane thing , after to pill , my water broke but them My Baby heart start dropping 😓 so they have to do a c section .
I’m sorry it sounds like you had a bit of a rough time getting induced and during labour. So good to hear Bub is here safe and sound in the end x
Could you have a membrane sweep? I had two of them a week apart with the hopes of assisting my scheduled induction at 39w unless it caused labour to come on earlier. I had one at 37+5 and the other at 38+5. He was born naturally with no intervention and little assistance almost exactly 12 hours after the second sweep, but I was already about 3cm dilated.