I waited till after my 8 week pp check up with my doctor. I went back to basics as I was so weak in my core, back and legs. I started Joe wicks from the beginner level at first plus a bit of the sweat app post c section programme and by 5 months pp I was strong enough to start running again xx
Ps I didn’t have abdominal muscle separation xx
The advice I was given was 6-8 weeks not to, then if the Dr okays it, light walking and from 4months, exercise as "normal" but start slowly
I've been told to hold off on exercise aside from walking till my scar has faded. I'm 3.5 months pp and it's still purple. My GP didn't assess my abdominal muscles or anything, just said to wait
I left it about 10 weeks and started with a PT who assessed my abdominal muscles before we started (this definitely gave me peace of mind!), and started very lightly.