I had an emergency c section with my first... now pregnant again but there is almost a 3 year break between pregnancies and I was told I could have a vbac if I wanted to. Best thing to do would be to speak with your midwife and see what they think in regards to your birthing options 😊 x
It can depend on the length of time between pregnancies, your dr.’s preference, and the REASON for the emergency c-section. Some dr’s may be confident with a vbac so quickly after a csection, but some may be concerned about uterine rupture since it hasn’t been the recommended amount of time between your two pregnancies. Also some dr’s just don’t do it. And some hospitals won’t offer it either. My dr. told me she would support a vbac if I wanted, but that the hospital I delivered at won’t allow it, so her and I would have to go to a larger one. As far as the reason for your vbac, if it was for a reason that is likely to be repeated, then they will recommend a csection. If it was due to something that is unlikely to happen a second time, they may encourage a vbac. DEFINITELY consult with your dr and if you are set on a Vbac you can try to find someone you feel confident with who will encourage it
I am in US. NO idea if it’s the same elsewhere!
Probably. I tried a vbac (I got pregnant again when my first was 5 months old) but it failed. And they make you sign a ton of scary ass paperwork 🤣 saying you could die and lose your uterus and all those things. For real. But It was easier in some ways to heal the second time for me so I hope for you too 🫶🏻
I was allowed to try for a vbac when I got pregnant at 10 months. I decided on another section though.
Yes definitely another c section they recommend two years before pregnancy between sections let alone less than a year! The scars wont be strong enough to cope with the contractions
I got pregnant 9 months after my CAT 1 emergency C-section and birthed my son both ways (they had to push him back up the birth canal before rushing us to the OR). My OB gave me the option to do a VBAC and said he’d be willing to try it as I had asked him but ended up choosing an elective C-section since it was so close together. Will be trying for our third in about 3 years and may try for a VBAC then. Some OBs though won’t give you the option and you’ll have to do a C-section again. Most of the time that’s because they aren’t experienced enough to do VBACs or don’t want to take the risk at all due to it being so close together but it’ll also depend on why the first emergency C-section was done in the first place.
Not necessarily. You can try a VBAC. Discuss it with your consultant. They go through all the benefits/risks etc. it’s up to you. I had an 11 month age gap between c sections and the second one I chose elective c section which turned into emergency one (nothing to do with my previous section) xx
I think they would recommend a c section just because it hasn't been that long since your first and they also look at the other complications you had They can't make you do anything they will just tell you what the safest is to do x
I am not 100% sure but I have heard that they highly recommend that you do. Something to do with your muscles being weaker due to the surgery. But could be wrong 😊xx