Any idea if my insurance will cover a second breast pump?
They typically only cover one per baby.
@Isabella may I ask you how often you pump?? I’m trying to use my spectra to up my supply and get all the milk out. I don’t use it as often as I should and want to start pumping in addition to breastfeeding on demand.
If your breast feeding as well I’d just end your sessions with pumping for 10-15 minutes Also power pump once a day forgot to mention @Tessa
Pumping is not an accurate representation of how much ur producing . I’d weigh ur baby before and after a feed to get an accurate idea of what ur making Again feel free to msg any questions I’ve made it my current life devotion to up my supply and stop using formula !
I exclusively pumped for a year. I used the Medela pump in style. Make sure you are replacing your parts frequently. That definitely helped!
Spectra S1 works well for me. I also have a Medela manual pump that works well when engorged. I keep that by the bed for quick access in the morning. And I have the momcozy m5. It's okay but definitely not comparable on the suction. I use the spectra most of the time because it works so much better.
get a hospital grade first over anh wearables always should have a main pump and abackuo
I started with mom cozy s12 and it majorly affected my supply ! Switched to spectra s1 and it’s doubled lactation consultants don’t recommend using a wearable pump as ur primary only your secondary so I’d start with a “plug” in hospital grade one