He just spits the teat away from his mouth. It’s just odd because he had a bottle from the day he was born
My little one is exclusively bottle fed and she started doing this around 16 weeks. Just turning away, we think she’s teething .
Mine always had expressed milk in bottles from day one and got bottle refusal around 3 months. We never managed to get him on a bottle again until he was 13 months and it’s now how he has his bedtime milk each night but when we started weaning he was happy to drink from literally any other form of cup. And tbh I think if we offered him a different type of cup sooner he probably would have taken that May be worth mixing up what the milk is in and see if that helps?
Thanks for the comments. I have tried 2 different brands of formula and EBM. It’s just so restrictive to be exclusively BF. Think I might try another brand of bottle. But helpful to know other babies get fussy at this age! x
We’ve been more or less following the Rowena Bennett method and it’s worked well. Check out Reddit threads from people who have done it if you don’t want to buy her book
He may be teething, the bottles can irritate the gums, when he refuses does he cry or just turn away, any other teething signs?