Gave a bottle of formula tonight 😔

I exclusively breastfeed and baby is 3w+4. His latch has only ever been mediocre at best but I think I have a really good supply which has been making up for it. His last feed was so painful I was in tears and then I had a guilt breakdown about potentially introducing a bottle. I don't like the idea of pumping breastmilk :( was going crazy wondering how the heck I was gonna do his next feed cos my nipples are so so sore, then remembered I bought 2 ready made bottles of formula just in case back when I was nesting. And I have some bottles from various welcome gifts from wishlists 😂 Sorted out the bottle, gave him 3.5oz of formula, he guzzled it (I pace fed tho) and seemed to really enjoy it. Had a lot of trouble latching the bottle so I'm wondering if actually his minor tongue tie is causing more issues than I thought. He currently wakes every hour for a feed and I'm doing like 15 feeds a day. He has plenty of wet and dirty nappies and is putting on weight really well so definitely not an issue with supply. We'll see how long he sleeps after this bottle of formula. The guilt I feel for having "failed" breastfeeding is immense. Have read its a lot to do with hormones as well. I think I will combi feed moving forward as I do enjoy BF when it doesnt hurt 🥺 but seeing him enjoy his bottle alleviated the guilt a bit. Anyone relate?
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Hi Katie, so sorry to hear you're having challenges with BF. My baby is 5 weeks and it's been a real challenge, you're not alone. We have latching issues so I had him assessed for a tongue tie - your health visitor or GP can refer you to the ENT for assessment. They generally talk about if baby is gaining weight and having enough nappies everything is fine but it shouldn't be painful and it's not sustainable if it's painful for mum! I also asked to be refered to the infant feeding team and I'm seeing them this week. There's support and help available ❤️ I've also seen an IBCLC (paid for ourselves) and been to breast feeding support group locally and both were really helpful. I express and give him a bottle of expressed milk once a day and we've had to supplement with formula a few times. I felt so awful and guilty which is common but makes no sense to feel that way, we all need a little help sometimes! You have not failed breastfeeding at all, you're pushing through a really difficult thing x

You've fed your baby for over 3 weeks, every feed and every day is a win 💚

@Georgia the main fear is that he'll not want breast anymore for some reason. He's taking a normal BF now though so hopefully my fears are nonsense x

This might sound silly but when I was having issues with my girl latching I put her on her side with a towel/blanket rolled up to keep her tummy facing mine while I’m laying next to her and fed her this way which allowed her to have a deep latch and now she doesn’t have an issue

I combine feed and it’s great as it gives me a bit more freedom. I also did it with my first and I have no issues with her development. Don’t feel guilty as you’re doing an amazing job!

Hey lovely. I really struggled around week 2 with my little girl, literally had cuts from the first latch we did in hospital and I didn’t realise. What helped me was nipple shields! I got mam ones and also mom cozy which honestly saved our breast feeding! I would recommend trying those and also some good nipple cream Did you have any breast feeding support? I didn’t realise I was actually holding my baby wrong until someone came and checked, gave me some pointers etc xxx

I can't get my little man to latch anymore since he been bottle feed for the last week due to being in nicu but I been pumping for him so he getting breast milk

I combi feed a bottle of formula a day and did the same with my first baby. There is a lot of pressure to ebf but I felt so much relief when I was struggling with my first and a friend told me she just did a bottle of formula when she was worn out. I combi-fed like this for a year and plan the same this time. It is not a failure to combi-feed, maybe different to what we planned but it gives so much freedom... I found ebf too intense and too much pressure. If you can do it, that's great. If you combi-feed, that's great. If you formula feed, that's great.

It sucks when you feel like this. I think I am in the same boat. I know I have a good supply. She had a terrible latch at first so my nipples ended up having what looked like blood blisters on the end of them and it was so painful. There were times I lay awake researching formula because I felt I couldn't do it. You are certainly not alone in feeling like this. I went along to a breastfeeding clinic and they talked me through some tricks. My midwife and health visitors also said that the positioning was OK. She latches so it's not painful for me but I still think it's a lazy latch. I get slight pains now and again but not so much when she feeds. I think the guilt is a normal feeling even if we persevere with it. I have been told that the older they get the matching gets better so I'm holding out but I have tried to get myself into the mindset that I would rather she has a decent feed and her routine gets better than me suffering through it if it gets that bad again. Happy mum is important!

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