This is my 3rd baby, I'm 4 weeks post partum and I produce 3.5-4oz each pump session. I exclusively pump. My milk came in after 2 days and he was in the NICU for a week. I would pump and bring milk to the hospital. Once he came home, I would alternate between breastmilk and formula. I stuck to the schedule he was on feeding wise in the nicu so I pump every 3 hours. It's really just about patience and consistency. It is hard though. I really struggled with my second son to make it work and I quit after 6 months but this time it's been a breeze and feels so much easier. Don't stress. You could also swap a BM feed for a formula feed to yoy can start to build a stash
I'm a week pp and I exclusively pump. I pump every 3 hours around the clock for 15-20 minutes per session and I typically get 80-100 mls (~2.5-3ish oz) from my left and 120-160 mls (~4-5.5oz) from my right. I put a heating pad on my chest for 5 minutes before each pump and massage as I pump ( mostly because I struggle with clogged ducts but I do believe it increases my letdown as well). Be sure to stay super hydrated! I've heard body armor helps increase supply because of the coconut water in it and that definitely seems to be the case for me, however this is my 1st baby so I have nothing to compare it to .
If you're pumping every 2 to 3 hrs and not missing any sessions it's easy to feed and store , at that age you make more than they consume it get harder when they're older as my 8 month old takes 5 to 6 oz every feed and when I pump to get more I barely can get an oz out for Teething Popsicles
Coarse wheat dalia, also known as cracked wheat !!! Eat this in porridge style ! It’s a magic food ! U ll have ample supplies! My baby is going to be 3 months old he is mostly breast fed, after feeding I pump n still gets 6 oz on each side !
Use a haaka to catch let down on the side your not feeding on
Depends on what time of day I’m pumping and how recently she’s fed. I get about 5-6oz from a 15-30min pumping session. I usually only pump when misses a feed (Dad or Nana gives her a bottle if I’m at an appointment etc). To build my fridge/freezer stock I really use the Haakaa more than anything. I keep it on while she’s feeding and switch sides every 10-15 mins (when she burps) I usually get 3-4ozs this way. Plus, I don’t have to schedule a separate pump session and she isn’t distracted by the electric pump noise in her ear.
I didn’t start storing milk (or making enough to feed and store) until about 4 weeks. If I pump, depending on how long it’s been between feeds, I can get 3-4oz from right and 2-3oz from left. In ten minutes. I. Ever do more than 15 minutes. I keep in mind - feed the baby, not the freezer. I could have a freezer full but what’s the point? I already don’t use the milk I have froze. It’s nice to have a few bags for back up (like when I drink or leave baby with my husband, etc). But it’s easier if I nurse most of the time. So now (12 weeks PP) I only pump once every few days. Usually after my baby has gone to sleep or in the morning, now that he’s sleeping through the night my boobs are fuller in the morning. I feel like I’m a slight over supplier already and don’t wanna make it more of an issue moving forward. People online make it look like you need to be an over supplier but you don’t. You don’t need that freezer full lol.
I ate a bunch and drank a lot of water. I also made 2 brownie batches with brewers yeast and froze them. I ate a slice when u wanted a snack. I made sure I had a very high caloric day. At 4 weeks pp, I made 45oz total. I pumped every 6 hours. I am currently 9 months pp and making 42oz while pumping every 8 hours; it went down because of my period. I exclusively pump
Some people don’t produce more than their baby needs. It really depends on the person! I recommend working with a lactation consultant as they’ll be able to specify their advice to you/your needs. I exclusively breastfeed and I pump extra to store for my for when I go to work. Without much effort I have become a slight over-supplier so I’ve actually donated milk to three other babies. To answer your questio: The amount I produce per pump varies of time of day, but usually anywhere from 2-9oz per side (after what my son eats). I pump 4x a day (2x per side) and produce anywhere from 12-20oz on top of what my son eats depending on the day (my period has returned so my cycle tanks a bit the few days before that).
I exclusively pump. My right gets about 4 ounces and my left gets .5/1 ounce. My milk took 5 days to come in so since I gave birth I’ve been pumping every 2 hours. Once my milk came in I pumped every 2.5 hours. And when I got 2 ounces I pumped every 3 hours. Now I usually have a bottle ready for her while she sleeps and when she feeds is when I pump. Or when I feel I need too. With my first baby I could never produce enough to even feed her. She never latched so I tried to pump. Now I realize that I didn’t pump enough consistently and wasn’t patient.