The fact that he said “decades” made me laugh lol
He’s right though. There’s nothing inherently dangerous with pregnancy and birth. When left undisturbed, birth is much more likely to be uneventful than dangerous x
My partner very much understands and appreciates it, he has even more of an appreciation seeing what I had to go through! X
My husband thinks I'm a hero and if it were him giving birth we'd either not have had kids or stopped at one 😂 But in terms of truly 'getting it', I'm not sure he can. He tries, though!
Was he there with you during labour? Did he not witness what you went through ? Tell him you’re not a baby making machine and to appreciate what’ he’s been blessed with 😶
He’s right women have been having babies since the dawn of time, but that doesn’t mean it’s the same experience for every woman. Some women have blissful pregnancies and easy births while others pass away. Some babies come out perfect while others are born sleeping. Just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s a one-size fits all ordeal. But to your point of men - no, they’ll absolutely never understand the true depth of pregnancy and birth no matter how many times they see it happen, nor will women who’ve never given birth. The understanding of this natural phenomenon is reserved only for those who have experienced it first hand.
My husband was my rock through both of my pregnancy's & was also my birthing partner for both of our children's births. I do think that he gets it, so much so that he's willing to have a vescetomy😅
My partner would not have understood before I had a baby, but seeing me go through it (lucky a good pregnancy and really good birth) but still really appreciated my body and risks etc. But I also sometimes think how did women manage years ago without all these medical terms and technology etc 🤣
@Holly you don’t have to have experience to understand and empathize. Google is literally free. That being said being close to it does give you perspective. I nearly died having my child and although I want more, my husband is like absolutely not as he’s seen what I went through.
A man's thinking is 'you have one, say it's hurts, but then have another so it can't be that bad, whereas we get kicked in the nuts and don't ask for it again' 🫣
I always joke with my husband that men get the fun part of pregnancy and woman get the hard part of it. I joke about it but it’s kinda true. They get to f around and make the baby but don’t have to birth or carry it. Then once it’s born it’s the woman who’s made the default parent and the dad gets to be the fun parent and be the one working. I am pregnant with my 4th and I have 3 boys but i told husband I don’t care if it’s another boy. I am not doing this pregnancy thing again after this.
I think it depends. I had easy pregnancies but my first labour wasn't great, 3rd degree tear, ended up in surgery. So my husband understands risks, and is as likely as me if not more so to look up risks of things. My sil has health issues which are much in pregnancy due to not being able to take her regular meds. Both my brother and husband are well aware that pregnancy carries risks
Your partner sounds very ungrateful and ignorant. Didn't he witness your 3 pregnancies and wasn't he there with you during deliveries of your babies ? I mean if he witness all of it and is just so inconsiderate, he is just being an ass and I would be very upset to feel he thinks women are just baby machine.
Literally lost my sister Inlaw 6days ago to child birth. My niece is okay but unfortunately my sister is longer with us. And our family is in shock that this has happened in this day and age. it was in a hospital in Paris, France. So you tell him that women are still dying from bringing life in to this world.
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@Dominique that’s a narrow minded view to have. Just leaving pregnancy and childbirth alone doesn’t mean it will be uneventful 😅. Women still die in childbirth. There is always a risk to being pregnant and giving birth.
Although it is dangerous, it is probably the safest it’s ever been because of modern medicine and knowledge. So not as dangerous as it was 100+ yrs ago
Tell him to go hunt animals in the jungle. Its fine, men have been doing it for decades xxxx
Would you ever say that flying on a plane isn’t safe just because very rarely accidents unfortunately happen?
I think men tend to believe having babies is easy because lots of people do it
@Jenn I had an emergency c section under general anesthesic girl I feel ya ♥️
I think men just need to show appreciation more. But I also think if a husband really wants more children then the wife should strongly consider it. And i hold the same opinion when the husband is limiting how many babies his partner can have, i actually get kinda mad when i see posts about men doing things like secretly getting vesectomies and what not. I get that there is always a risk but we risk our lives everyday doing other things like even driving cars. In fact.. . I haven't looked it up... but I bet we're more likely to die in a car accident than in childbirth. But childbirth gives us a miracle and one of the most surreal experiences a human can ever have. Just adding some positive thoughts on what women go through and how beautiful it can be.
@Kacey yeah I agree having kids can be beautiful. I’m having my 3rd now and I think this is enough. Regardless of if my husband would really like more or not, I’m the one who has to carry the baby and give birth so the choice is ultimately down to me. Having the 3rd child was really something he wanted, and if it wasn’t for him I probably would have stopped at 2. My pregnancies have all been horrendous as I’ve got HG all throughout pregnancy, each pregnancy worse than the other. I just can’t do it again and I think that’s okay.
just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it’s not painful lol has he gotten his wisdom teeth taken out before? gotten a stomach ache?
So so, my partner realised when I was hospitalized due to tachycardia and then freaked at the thought of me having a natural birth, because he was worried about how my heart would cope
Honestly as I have been chatting with cousins and having my own experience I have learnt men don’t get that it messes us up. My FIL still bitches that his wife listened to the doctors and didn’t have more children because they say Che couldn’t handle it!
They wouldn't know as they haven't gone through it themselves,it's is a speaking from experience sort of thing ,a small portion of men understand, those are rare types 🤣