One of my little boys was the same and we started using colief drops and he was better the same day so it was colic caused by lactose intolerance. He no longer needs them at 4 months now his digestive system has matured. Just had to wean off the drops
@Lydia can I please check what type colic drops? I have giving her infacol but not sure it's helping
It's called colief: it's a bit pricey. Infacol didn't work for us. Also on the colief bottle it says to leave it in formula for 30 mins before giving it but we added it and gave it straight away after a bit of googling and it still worked just fine. Alternatively I'd put it in about 30mls of expressed breastmilk and that worked fine too rather than the "few tablespoons" it recommends, that'd be nearly a third of his feed so I didn't want my supply to drop if he didn't eat as much!
@Lydia Thank you so much! X I have ordered it just now. I hope it will work. I will add it to expressed breast milk. Did you also use any lactose free formula? I changed to aptamil comfort recently but I am thinking maybe it's worth getting lactose free version.
This happened to my baby too. I think it’s colic but it ended up passing at 2 months