With my first 2 babies, they were both born vaginally and I exclusively breastfed both and didn’t get my period back until about 11mths postpartum. My third baby who’s currently 7mths is also exclusively breastfed and I still haven’t had a period yet
3 months, natural birth, ebf. It's different for everyone.
I’m almost 9 weeks pp and I just got mine. C-Section and breastfeeding. Happened with my first too. I was hoping breastfeeding would stop it from reappearing this time lol
Vaginal birth both babies. Both babies exclusively breastfed past 1 year old. 1sr time; period came back at 6months 2nd time, period came back exactly 1year postpartum
Vaginal birth, ebf. Period returned after 10 weeks after birth but intervals between periods are longer.
Wondering the same because I’m 4 months mins PP and breast feeding/pumping and still no period (not that I’m complaining)
Almost exactly 3 months pp. Vaginal birth. Exclusively breastfeeding.
EBF, c-section, I’m 4.5 months pp with my second and still no period and I believe it took at least 10 months with my first. I had to cut down on nursing to 2-3x a day once my daughter turned 1 to get it regularly enough to get pregnant again
3 months, vaginal birth, EBF. Was not expecting it so soon.
Thanks everyone I am 9 weeks pp, C section, EBF and just got mine so I was curious what is ‘normal’ but apparently that isn’t a thing haha
I had a marginally delivery and exclusively breastfed until he was 8 months. My period came back at month 9. It was whack💕
I was about 3 or 4 months pp. I have ebf and still am with solids and LG is 10months now. Edit: i also forgot to add that i delivered vaginally