Thanks Kristy! Could it be the stretching at the gym? I don't do weights and I am trying to be careful, but I do stretching to open my hips, I know it's generally advised in pregnancy but I am just wondering whether I should avoid it..
I’m no expert, but I’ve seen people saying it’s good to stretch, maybe just ensure that it’s pregnancy safe stretches and if you feel any pain I wouldn’t do that specific one
Just had physio for similar, but im hypermobile aswell. They gave me a support band and told me to get a gym ball to do some stretching with xx
@Ibby Can I ask you how do they assess if someone is hypermobile?
@Simona tbf i just mentioned to them that ive always been able to pop out my joints (shoulders, hips) and she said im probably hypermobile. Buba keeps knocking out my hip and then the siatica nerve gets trapped in the joint when it goes back in, making my leg go numb. Im not able to sit in the bath anymore, cross my legs or stay on my feet for too long to try and reduce this 😩
I find the more I do during the day the worse it is 😩 sleeping with a pillow between my legs seems to help a bit, but it’s definitely hard to get comfy
Yes I have the same problem sometimes. I have an alpha ball for my glut but otherwise I will book a pregnancy massage further in the pregnancy if it is get worst and if it is not doing anything I will see an osteopath specialised in pregnancy. The problem I think it is the position on the night for me. I am not habit to sleep on the side position so it does make it hard and the pillow doesn’t really help. Exercises through day with some stretching is quite soothing for me though.
Hello! Sorry to hear. I’m Also struggling, really helps to sleep on the side with a pillow in between my legs. When getting in and out of bed, keep your knees together