Convo with husband got ugly tonight
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just share to ask if im being unreasonable.
I got mad and let my anger contaminate my normal character. Im just hurt tbh
Because I’ve never once been asked if I need a massage. Sent to an alone date. A pedicure maybe? Or even to damn Barnes and nobles to be alone it’s not about monetary things it’s thoughtful sweet details.
I work PT job during a crappy ass pregnancy.
So I’m doing both worlds. Working,making our second child now and raising our first.
I swear it makes me mad because if men were to carry and birth I swear for the important 9months and PP months
I would treat my man like a freaking King.
For doing what I’m doing but dealing with physical symptoms on top of that.
Sounds like you’re heavily overstimulated and things got too much. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want more understanding and expect the basic level of teamwork as a parent as simple as wiping your child’s butt if your tied up. That should be a minimum and not be something to have to explain or ask for. But like you already know, it would be better to diffuse and not go off this way and calmly and empathetically explain. Be vulnerable and honest and communicate about the HURT. That would make it a lot more likely you achieve your goal of him responding to and understanding your needs. Good thing is he seems like he would be receptive to it. I’d take out some time to sit down and talk face to face calmly about your feelings and life and both listen to each other. If he wants to argue even after that that he should be able to play a game instead of basic stuff for your child, THEN I’d raise hell.