Exclusively breastfeeding is not a good form of birth control. You aren’t any less fertile or less likely to get pregnant than any other time. Even without your period you could be ovulating. Definitely need protection!
@Janel My baby hasn’t started solids yet but recently there were a few occasions that I had to be away for a couple of hours and one time even a whole 36 hours, so baby was given formula and I pumped while away. Other than that baby only gets breastfed. No period yet tho so I thought I was safe
@Amie I agree and wish I had not assumed that because I hadn’t started my period it would be fine 🙃 I knew it was a possibility just thought that’d be extremely low. Hoping nothing will come of this and I’ll learn my lesson to always protect
Most women that are exclusively breastfeeding are not going to get a period at all until they stop or sometimes lower the amount of feedings, I didn’t get my period for the first 5 months of exclusively breastfeeding and my mom didn’t get hers for the first 1.5years of all of her 6 kids. Unprotected sex was involved in all of those pregnancy and neither of us have been on birth control
My mom got pregnant with my sister while breastfeeding me!
Even if you were to be sexually active while fertile you have less than a 30% of actually getting pregnant.. Even if the stars are aligned. Still is a possibility but sharing so maybe you don't stress yourself out. Use protection until ready
Breastfeeding is not contraception, but also you are a lot more fertile for a year after giving birth so a lot more likely to get pregnant! One of my mums friends have to go through IVF to get pregnant with her first cause she was struggling with her fertility and then got pregnant with her second by accident 8 weeks after having her first🤣
I have 3 sets of EBF babies (NEVER FORMULA NEVER A BOTTLE NOT EVEN SOLIDS AT 6 months), I had a 3 month old and was pregnant THAT HAPPENED 3 TIMES😩🤣🤣 I’m Not in my 20’s just read this a could sum up my experience
You can absolutely get pregnant while breastfeeding. Complete myth that you aren’t fertile. I would just keep and eye on any symptoms and start using protection
Breastfeeding is not a form of contraception
you can still get pregnant 100%
I literally found out I was pregnant by doing ovulation tests 😂 I was breast feeding but not exclusively as my daughter was weaning by then so I had started my period again. I was ovulation checking to monitor as a slight birth control measure but then the ovulation sticks said I was ovulating 3 days on the trot which I knew wasn’t normal! After doing a pregnancy test I saw why!
You ovulate before your period and can ovulate without a period Good luck OP
I was only breast feeding and didn't get a period. I'm now pregnant with my second. They are literally 10wks apart. If your not pregnant already. Get on birth control unless you want the second that close.
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Strange opinions. Because my own doctor told me that when you’re EBF full time. No solids in the play or bottles. That your body will not release eggs because it knows you are nursing a baby. I have had unprotected sex whilst EBF and never once got pregnant. I only got pregnant with my second after my first was weaned and just night feeding. I assume it depends if you reduce your breast feeding how u could get pregnant. But yh don’t worry too much
Actually you're extremely fertile after having a baby, almost like your body saved up
My friend is currently pregnant again and was exclusively breast feeding it’s actually a myth that you can’t get pregnant
Chances of getting pregnant is actually higher postpartum ...
Crazy ... Godbless ... lol
I got pregnant while breastfeeding
Your doctor didn’t tell you breastfeeding doesn’t make you safe from getting pregnant again? It’s not a contraceptive like people think it is I’m a breastfeeding mom but I’m not trying to get pregnant again that postpartum was too much 😭 I’m gone need a few more years
Yes u can I ebf and got pregnant
Yes, mainly because he started solids and so naturally i breastfed way less than normal. i also got my period back in July and had it again in August (then i got pregnant then) and here i am. Pregnant with an 11 month old😃