We're not weaning yet, but I'll be away for 3 nights soon and she doesn't take bottle. Trying similar approach to what @Yaz said, I've introduced pillow and a soft toy which she really likes. I do ask if she's going to sleep (once she's all ready for bed) and I tell her she can sleep on her pillow, trying that association. For us, daddy needs to put her to sleep, yesterday we managed feed and he then rocked her to sleep. I guess having that for a while you could then shorten the feeds until you are able to remove them
Do you BF for the night wake ups? It could be helpful to phase that out first and letting him know he can have milk in the morning, so there’s something to look forward to and it’s not a flat withdrawal, but gradual. Maintaining the bedtime feed and morning feed. I hear 18 months can be a difficult time to wean, but I’m sure little ones are all different and it surely depends
Im also struggling so I’ve only half assed attempted it to be honest but no don’t leave him to scream until he stops, he needs comforting in a different way (he might still scream but at least you’re there for him and not leaving him to his big angry emotions himself). It’s recommended to ‘habit stack’ so introducing something else alongside BF and then gradually withdraw BF while keeping the other thing, I’ll attach a couple of links x https://www.instagram.com/p/CyqySRhRwfJ/?igsh=cDlqOXNkNnlzaGJl https://www.emmapickettbreastfeedingsupport.com/blog/weaning-toddler-bob-and-pre-schooler-billie-how-do-you-stop-breastfeeding-an-older-child