What is a chemical pregnancy? Sorry I’ve never heard of it. I have a 4 year old and had 3 miscarriages so I’m a little confused on everything
@Jodie oh I'm sorry you've been through that 😞 chemical pregnancy is where the body releases the pregnancy hormones so by all accounts you'd expect to be pregnant and would get positive tests, but there's no physical pregnancy.
@Libby oh okay Thankyou, I’ll have to go see a doctor, they’re just useless and aren’t understanding whatsoever
@Jodie yea they're awful with early pregnancy! Unless you're definitely pregnant and passed 12 weeks they just shrug their shoulders!
It sounds like you had a chemical pregnancy. It’s a non-viable pregnancy that ends very early, but you may be able to obtain a positive test. The egg is flushed out instead of fully implanting and you have a bleed that is similar to a period. A chemical pregnancy is a type of miscarriage. I’m really sorry this has happened to you and that the doctors aren’t advising you properly. The good news is that as soon as you feel ready, you can try for a baby again.
@Lucy thank you so much, I’d never heard of a chemical pregnancy before! I’ve been so confused and frustrated with everything. So do I need to cancel all my appointments? Like my scan and antenatal?
@Jodie you’re welcome! You need to ask your doctor about that, they should run a blood test to determine for sure if it was a chemical.
With my daughter I had normal periods (normal for me which is irregular in both timing and bleeding strength) and didn’t get a positive pee test until I was past mid second trimester. Only found out I was pregnant when they did bloodwork after a car accident when I was 11 weeks. I was seeing an obgyn monthly too due to having other issues—miscarriage, missed miscarriages, my period issues, ttc, and scar tissue. Editing to add: the hospital who initially did my bloodwork put me at 6 weeks due to the hcg levels but my obgyn confirmed I was 11 weeks and some days with an ultrasound. My hcg levels were fine too just not showing correctly on basic labs for whatever reason.
Ask your doctor to do a blood test to confirm the pregnancy
I would ask the gp to do a test, especially due to your added risks presumably for blood clots. As the days go by the tests should be stronger positives rather than going backwards as the hormone levels will increase. It could however potentially be a chemical pregnancy (I had one when we first started trying)