Unless it’s changed from when I gave birth, generally no visitors (incl partner) overnight. Think they relaxed slightly and my partner was maybe up like 8am but had to leave by 10pm. You’re typically on your own overnight but definitely ring your bell if you need any help from a midwife, I found it quite tough after a c section!
You can have someone with you all the time while giving birth but no partners overnight on the postnatal ward.
My husband was my birthing partner, he was sent home after visiting hours. They didn't even bother to contact him when I was in labour and being brought to delivery suite to make him aware.
I got induced the the Ulster, my partner stayed from 6am on 29th Feb til 3am on 1st March when my girl was born (slept on a v uncomfy chair god love him). He was sent home at 5am to come back at visiting hours once she was here though
I got induced in ulster on a Sunday and my partner had to go home that night, he came back next morning and stayed the next night with me as I was in labour. Fate baby was born he could come from morning to night
Only during delivery and induction if you need it I went to home from home for my daughter and my husband stayed with me for the entire time I couldn’t go there with my son therefore it was normal visiting times
As long as you’re in active labour your birthing partner can stay with you until your baby is born. You won’t get moved to a room / bed right away so you will have plenty of time before then. There is normal visiting hours for everyone but there is enhanced visiting hours for your birth partner. Ask the midwife for the full details at your next appointment. So 9-9 is only after your baby is born and still in hospital.
I am due next month in the Ulster they can stay with you the whole time ur on the labour ward and 2 hours after birth, then after that they can only come during visiting hours x
Yes if on labour ward, they can be there during whole birth but once in recovery/labour ward they have to adhere to visiting hours which is 9am-9pm I believe. If you are thinking of Home from Home at the Ulster I believe your partner should be able to stay 24/7 as there is a bed for them in the same room as you!
Depends where you are birthing. Your BP will be with you throughout active labour but once baby is born if you are in the labour ward, it’s normal visiting hour rules. If you are in home from home then they can stay with you your entire hospital stay.