I lived on crackers
My Gp and midwife gave me cyclizine - worked a treat
It's an odd one but sour patch kids (and similar sour candies) helped curb my nausea a lot
Ginger biscuits, nausea relief acupressure bands and plain crackers. Anti sickness meds if really bad via GP.
@Ali this is currently helping me - sour candy and dry ginger ale
The smell of hand sanitizer worked for me
Chewing gum
None of that worked for me I got so tired of vomiting and being dehydrated I’ve been diagnosed with HG and have a pump that I carry around on me all day that adminster zofran this definitely helps
B6 but might make you more tired. That’s the side effect I had with it. Used it in my first trimester. Worked great. If it doesn’t work, your OB can give you something stronger. But first ask about B6
Ginger biscuits are supposed to help! Also plain/salty foods ☺️