I have had 2 c sections. Recovery time is 6-8 weeks. It is a long road and even then you may have long lasting effects. There are still parts near my incision that is numb and my first c section was 14 years ago. Latest was in July.
I had a c section 6 days ago as well and I’ve been having a horrible headache too. But I also had one like 2 days before going into labor so idk what it is. I recovered really well and went home super fast and got up from bed to walk super fast etc but now that im home, every time I do a whole lot or leave the house I just feel like complete shit. You’re not alone in this. I wish I had more advice for you to help you but im in a very similar boat myself.
Try Tylenol if you can and if your headache doesn’t go away you need to call your Dr. preeclampsia can also happen postpartum. After my c section I had a lot of anxiety which eventually got better but you just had major abdominal surgery. Give yourself some grace.
I would get into your doctor mama. I’ve had 2 c sections and I didn’t have headaches blood pressure problems dizziness or any of that. I think you have an underlying issue going on.
@Patricia this is what I’m suspecting for her.
Thank you all for the kind words. I saw the doctor today and she said my incision looked alright. The doctor said even though my BP was high it was still "normal" for post partum and hopefully will regulate after a few weeks just have to keep an eye on it and possibly bump up my medication. Still have a lot of anxiety though :( today was a lot of "running around" and I thought I was going to pass out 🫥 it's so hard to do anything
If you can’t even do activities during the day without feeling dizzy then there is a huge issue. I would honestly get a second opinion. Preeclampsia is not to be played with. If you’re already on blood pressure medication, I would go back and discuss that again. It’s not “normal”
Are you seeing your doctor or have you spoken to your doctor about these symptoms? I haven’t had a C-section however these aren’t good signs and not typically part of recovery.