you can get wooden blocks
My daughter is obsessed with colors and can say all the colors of the rainbow in order. I got her crayons (the big Crayola one) a few coloring books from the dollar tree and we usually color together before lunch. Each time she colored with a certain crayon I would say it or when I passed it to her. Or say which one you want to color with yellow or blue then make her pick. She picked it up really quick. Now all she wants to do is color or read books with color or watch songs about colors. Just be persistent and he will catch on. Each toddler is different.
@Jillian I'll go ahead and try this out !
I point out colors in every day life. It’s hit or miss. My daughter understands what a color is but doesn’t necessarily know how to identify specific color. So if I ask what color is that she might say blue but it’s a yellow car. We use flash cards and go on a scavenger hunt to find the color of the flash card. I think knowing colors is pretty advanced for 19m olds. So just keep at it!
@Carolyn I'll for sure keep trying ! My baby has 4 sets of flashcard but he just wants to take them from me and fold them same with the books I have some book about learning colors and he just wants to play with them and he even breaks them he gets mad when I have a book cuz he just wants to play with them so it's so hard
@Star my son just wants to play too. Sometimes he’ll pull books out and actually look at it but won’t let me read to him unless he’s in the bath tub. Honestly you need to remember every kid is different and they’re observing and absorbing so much everyday. Dont feel bad when they arent saying full words or doing what the development charts say.
@Star haha I mean all that behavior is typical. As best you can let him do his thing and sprinkle in the color learning. Our babies are still so young and if we try to structure learning the way we think we have to they will usually revolt 😂
@Skyllar yess my baby does the same he'll look but hates when I grab them I'll go ahead and try the bath thing for sure ! My baby talks a good amount but I do want him to learn somethings but you're right all kids are different and it'll take him some time for sure !
My daughter loves pointing out cars and vans that we pass and that's how she's learned colours best. I tried teaching her with coloured balls and other objects for ages and got nowhere so maybe something he's particularly interested in that comes in a variety of colours would work best.
@Carolyn my LO does the same! Every thing is blue for her
@Toph mine was saying yellow to everything for a bit now it’s blue 😂 lol the nurses at her doc appointment asked what color item she was holding and they were so impressed she got it right. While I’m thinking that was pure luck that it was blue bc she was going to say blue regardless 😂😂
Crayons and daily coloring time was how my daughter learned all her colors and shapes. It’s now helping with learning letters. We do like 15-20 minutes after breakfast while I’m trying to get through work emails. She scribbles for a bit and I tell he what color to use or ask her what color she’s using then she gets bored and asks me to draw stuff so I draw shapes and have her name the shape and color.
He also has books but when he hands them to me he gets mad cuz he wants to play with the book