@Jana I’m also making more between my man and I and we really can’t afford to go down to just his income. So sad for us but it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
I'm a nurse so these 12-13hr days really stressed me at first, especially with the lack of sleep.
@Deara omg I bet. you are a super mom!
I totally get it girl, I’ve been back for almost two months now and I feel awful all the time now for being there and not with my baby. My job also consists of working with babies so sometimes I feel guilty I’m taking care of other people’s babies and not my own at that moment. The mom guilt is so unreal
Omg yes! I'm in the same boat as you ☹️ also I thought everything was so clear when I was pregnant. 3 months sounded like enough time to be with her and then when the time is up, I would just send her to daycare and boom! Everyone is happy lol. Weeeellllll, not so much. I'm so conflicted now and I don't know what to do but I can't afford not to work especially because I'm the breadwinner of our family. It's just so dang hard being a working mom. Guilt is unreal