Domperidone, hyosine hydrobromide and prochlorperazine are all considered safe with breastfeeding. I'd go for domperidone personally but it can cause an increase in milk supply
@Eva that is a great shout! I have messages the PSS and will see what they say. Thank you x
@Heather-Jayde thanks for this!! X
Has anyone taken/heard of Metoclopramide? That is what they put me on in the meantime?
Metochlopramide is fine with breastfeeding and in pregnancy. other options have fewer side effects, but as long as they're working for you and you feel well, they are safe x
@Eva PSS came back and said this is likely a precaution Xoneva take as it's not studied in BF infants but likely fine as long as the toddler isn't showing effects. Probably unlikely as their main diet isn't milk! Thanks for suggesting - I feel a lot better continuing Xoneva x
I’d check if that is actually the right decision. I’d call Pregnancy Sickness Support to ask re Xonvea and breastfeeding. I’ve been told it’s ok to breastfeed on it, as I wasn’t sure if I’d still need it post pregnancy. I was on three a day til quite late in my pregnancy so asked if I needed to go cold turkey once she was here if I planned to breastfeed and was told no.