I can’t lie it’s constantly on in the background but she’ll play around whilst it’s on. Also 2 under 2 here so sometimes it’s needed
We’re a tv on in the background type of family. So whilst she’ll sit down at certain points through the day and watch tv, she’s mostly pottering about or we’re playing rather than her watching tv x
Only in the car
My LOs mood changed a few weeks so we said no TV. What a change! She’s so much happier. Now we are having it on at dinner as struggles eating. But she also gets it when I need a break! For example yesterday she got less than an hour during dinner. Today……it’s been on in the background for hours as she’s refused a nap and I needed to get some bits done and a peaceful cup of tea 😅 Each day is different, do what works for everyone. I only have the 1…. 2 under 2 it would probably be on more haha
my kids get unlimited screen time but i limit the amount of kids shows they watch. they get ms rachel and a movie in the mornings. maybe another movie after their nap. then it’s nature shows or my shows