So far we've got the below words, my boy just turned 14 months, in the past week his speech has really taken off Ball Shoes Socks Tree Sky Door Mama/Dada Dog Cat Kitty Moon No
My boy is 14 months and doesn't say any real words yet. He babbles constantly but I don't think he has any words with meaning. He shows us he has a good understanding of plenty of words by following instructions or showing us things and he can sign a few things milk, food, hot, airplane, all gone. He can do animal sounds for dog, snake and seal, he mimics the sounds from a noisy book he has 😂 I wouldn't worry, at this age there is still plenty of time and all children start speaking in their own time
My little one is 14 months she only says mama dada ball bath baby poppa yeah and then understands some words like only knows a sheep’s sound goes baa and she thinks a doggy goes ah ah not woof woof then she points to her hair and belle the light and birdys. They all learn at their own pace do not compare to anyone else child you are doing amazing I’m sure ❤️ xx
Mine is 14 months and only says mama, ball and more. She can do animal sounds for duck, cow, bee, sheep, dog, horse and cat tho and can point to quite a few body parts so I know she understands actual words so not too worried. She babbles loads as well so hoping it will all just come at once.