@Brianna Caruthers can I know ur reasoning 🙏
C section in my opinion. I tried to have forceps and it didn’t work and babys heart rate dropped and I ended up having to have a c section anyway. Also, forceps will honestly ruin your vagina. Not that it matters but I wouldn’t want that to happen to me so x
I had forceps and it wasn’t TOO bad
this is tough. and also i’ve never heard of a doula asking this. i’m absolutely terrified of a CS but i think i’d choose that over forceps, those sound traumatic for baby and mom
After 2 hours of pushing, they checked and said her head was stuck behind my pubic bone.They offered c-section or forceps/episiotomy. I opted for forceps as the OB was confident it would work. She came out within a few pushes using the forceps. I didn't need episiotomy but got a natural 3b tear. Baby girl had a little mark on her cheek and a cephalohematoma on the top left side of her head from the forceps. She's almost 5 months, and it's pretty much gone now! In regards to recovery, I did have some urinary incontinence (Full on peed myself a couple times, others just some leaking) but I went to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist around 6ish weeks PP and was able to strengthen my pelvic floor so that I don't have any issues now!
@Agnes looking back now, would you have gotten a c section?
@Daizee thank you so much this really helps 🙏😭
@Iris no worries!
@Iris Nop
I had a c section rather than being induced as had preeclampsia and the whole thing (despite being an emergency) felt very calm. Baby girl was out within 4 mins and then I spent the next 30’mins or so just holding her while they sorted me out. I would do c section again - recovery wasn’t the easiest, but I don’t have any trauma despite it being quite a dramatic turn of events.
C section x
C section. It took me 7 months to recover from forceps and I’ll likely have ongoing issues xx
in I had forceps and it wasn’t that bad at all and my vagina is back to normal 😊 everyone is different
I would say it’s not a clear cut! There are factors that might be pro forceps and factors that might be pro CS. Always listen and speak to your midwife/obstetrician. There are risk to every procedure. May I ask why you are against vacuum so much?
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
csection 100%
@Iris I’ve actually just delivered my second yesterday, my first was forceps because he got stuck in the wrong position. My second was unmedicated (gas and air) and no tears or grazing, nothing. He was in the optimal positioning though. I’d have gone for a second forceps if needed.
@Agnes congrats!!!!
@Iris thank you 🥹🥹