@Bonnie my dad is the only one my little one cries for! I feel so bad every time he comes over 🤣 hopefully he will grow out of it 🥲
Does he wear glasses? My LO is freaked out by glasses and cries with my dad or my partners dad
My daughter was like this with her great nanny! Would get hysterical She still is a bit unsure of her (idk why) but she didnt cry today! She kept looking at her and then looking at me to check she was a safe person I guess and I just would smile saying ‘its okay baby thats nanny’
My little girl is like this with my brother in law and my neice was with my husband we thought it's because we don't see each other much x
No advice but just to say my niece was like this with my dad 😂 but she grew out of it and now he is deffo the favourite. She asks to see papa 300 times a day 😅 x