Elective c section western trust
Can you book an elective section in the western trust? Specifically the swah. 40 weeks today and just had second sweep and was told my cervix are not favourable as of current. Baby is only 4/5 engaged, cervix are still closed and hard. Midwife reckons we won't be meeting baby in the next week anyway.
Baby is already estimated to be 9lb 5oz so I don't think we can wait too much longer for them to make an appearance themselves and I don't think my body can take much more. I'm in constant pain. I am very against being induced, too many horror stories, and I don't like the statistics of how many turn into emergency sections or need episiotomy's, forceps or vacuum. I would much rather have a planned calm c section with a better chance of recovery than emergency, and maybe still enjoy my birth.
Can I book a section this late into pregnancy? Who do I contact?
Im sure you can! Just try to do as soon as possible, because it can be booked up. Call your midwife or maternity ward, im sure they are gonna guve you right information. I had a c section in SWAH week ago and all midwifes are amazing in maternity ward