Took me 44 hours to get to 7cm, ended up with a c section. Baby wasn’t in the best position though x
Waters broke at 0230 on Tuesday. Contractions didn't start until 26 hours later but were very light. Wasn't checked until 2030 on the Wednesday at which I was 6 cm. 20 minutes later, I was 9 cm, and she was born at 0028 on the Thursday x
To dilate around 6 hour. Labour was 15 hours in total. X
Like Meg 40 h to 6cm and c section. Waters broke before any contractions or dilation and baby was back to back probably so odds stacked against me
It took me 41 hours to get to 10cm x
5 hours🫣 I was fully dilated at 3am and he was born at 3:14am😬
I had a fuck load of waters, baby was really struggling to break it 😅 after 28 hours and stuck at 9cm for about 6 hours, midwife offered to break my waters, I was positioning to get the waters broken then got a nasty contraction and it broke on its own, I think after 15 minutes I was pushing and he was out in 4 minutes
i had already been at 1cm for a couple weeks, then from the very first contraction i felt to the birth took about 24 hours
My labour was six hours start to finish… established labour for 90 minutes. So not long at all! X