I've been weaning for two weeks and have just started giving her two meals a day. She doesn't have loads at each meal though. Maybe 3-5 baby spoonfuls
We did 6 weeks of puree and now in a combo of puree and BLW She eats everything put in front of her hence we’re where we’re at with adding more meals. Milk is first nutrition until 12 months
@Becky would you say 3 solid meals is too much for 6month? My daughter loves her solids but poos like no tomorrow. She only drinks 4.5-5pz per bottle feed
Mine has 3 meals a day and 4 8oz bottles in a day. He goes once or twice a day occasionally he will go 3 times.
Not necessarily too much but maybe scale it back if you found milk dropping, try doing breakfast and dinner and see what happens :) I found she’s BF’ing more or less the same as she was pre solids. Poos every 1-3 days. If your little one is pooing that often, and that’s not normal it may be too much for their tummy acid as they have to build that up plus gut biome over time Also allows you to see any allergens
We started at 1 meal then 2 meals every other day she’s been on solids since 5 months