I started supplementing with formula. It's taken a lot of the pressure off of me, and she still gets the antibodies from my milk so I'm happy. I just offer boob then bottle every time
@Alexis how did you handle that transition emotionally? It’s tearing me up thinking about it
@Rebecca I think my sadness at not being EBF anymore was outweighed by my worry for her. She gained almost no weight between her 3 month appointment and her 6 month appointment, so I was terrified that I could be under feeding her
I get donated breastmilk on Facebook! All free, just check the groups and it'll be so much less stress for you. I get enough donations to have my baby on breast milk 95% of the time!
power pumping once a day helped me a lot! also i like to directly breastfeed so after he would eat i’d pump for 15 minutes and that seemed to increase my supply as well. it does take a couple weeks of consistently doing it tho