If your baby is gaining weight then try not to worry. 75th percentile is a very good weight. Breastfed babies don’t really drink a lot from the bottle, if she drank the amount probably means she wasn’t that hungry as she’s getting enough directly from the breast. The more you give her the bottle she would probably get used to it and take more from the bottle as time goes on, moreover that 180 is an estimate, every baby is different. Some might take more and some less. You’re doing great and try not to worry.
I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that a bottle of expressed milk should be no more than 4oz as out breastmilk composition changes based on the needs of our baby so the ‘amount’ they drink remains the same. Whereas formula fed babies have to drink more as they get older as the nutritional content of formula doesn’t change like breastmilk does xx
If you wanna be really old school you can weigh baby before and after a breast feed? My granddad was a paediatrician in the 60s and that’s what they did back then apparently 😅
Breast milk is supply and depend babies will choose how much they want x
I'd ignore google! Pretty sure that only applies to formula fed. My little girl is 7.5 weeks, also breastfed with one expressed bottle a day and she takes exactly the same as yours! I warm 2oz (about 60ml per feed) and if she still seems hungry I'll either warm another oz or top her up breastfeeding. If baby seems content and full after feeds and is gaining weight then don't worry 😊
@Elle omg yes that’s what my mum did with me! I’ve just ordered some baby scales and I will start weighing 🫣
Thank you everyone, very helpful and reassuring 🥰
I guess if you wanted to know how much she is drinking I’d say maybe pumping for a day and feeding with those bottles to measure how much she is taking a day . My baby is the same age and takes 3 1/2 - 4oz every 3-4 hours and 5oz at night . Hope this helps ❤️