Generally we do a gentle parenting approach first. Telling them no and then with repeat taking away something and giving it back once they've acknowledged what they were doing and stopped. 2 minute quiet time sometimes (the pediatrician said 1 minute per year old is appropriate). Sometimes talking about taking deep breaths helps. Like if they are fussing or getting too silly and making trouble cause of it. Not to say these always work for us, but this is the direction we try to take.
@Iyana righttt I feel like sometimes a spanking is too much bc she's only 2 but time outs don't seem to be working for us either 🥲
@Miriam I try the gentle approach with her but it seems she gets worse but when I take things away it just escalates the situation so much more. I guess it'll just take more practice
I try my best with a gentle approach. If she’s throwing a tantrum I tell her “I understand you’re ____ (upset, mad, frustrated, etc) I’m going to give you some time to calm your body. When you’re ready to talk mommy is right here.” If she’s hitting, throwing things, not listening we give a warning “you cannot hit. You need to use gentle hands. If I have to ask again you will go in timeout.” I will tell her “this is your warning”. It seems to work. My daughter is TOUGH so it really does take a lot of my own self regulation lol
I wouldn’t spank or hit my child but I think kids need boundaries and kids these days literally have no resilience or ability to handle anything I don’t think gentle parenting works or builds strong or respectful children. If she does something wrong I say no. Or I make sure there are consequences. I love to snuggle and coddle her my husband is better about discipline than I am but I can recognize that kids need to be told no and participation trophy culture has not led to high achieving capable adults
I'm still distracting and re directing the unwanted behavior. I know I should give a better verbal explanation in the moment but its hard for me, I get non verbal when stressed 🫠
Time out cause slapping him don’t do anything tbh timeout is just more effective and it still barely works
I just tell her no and offer her options to deal with her unhappiness- she gets an alternative to whatever i said no to (ie i know you really wanted juice, but you can’t have that, but you can have a cup of water. Or you cab have a hug. She stomps a bit and then usually accepts one of the things I offered. Time-out doesn’t really work for us because she enjoys it.
Girl Im still tryna figure that out 😩😩😭