I’d be careful here as stopping breastfeeding is unlikely to help sleep. For a few it can but it’s likely he’ll wake just as often but be harder to settle back to sleep without breastmilk. It’s a bit of a myth that formula helps sleep. It’s very normal for such a young baby to need comfort through the night, hard but normal. I appreciate how hard it is I too have a truly horrible sleeper but stopping breastfeeding may not be the golden egg you’re looking for. I’d take a look at the routine and tweaking and see if that helps first x
@Helen not tried giving him a bottle of my milk yet. But I think I might give it a try. Spoke to HV and BF support today so going to give formula a swerve xx
@Fi I mostly exclusive pump and my baby goes from 10pm til 5am on 5oz of my milk if that helps :)
@Helen not really 😂 our breastmilk and babies are probably very different. But thank you
@Fi hopefully they might go a bit longer at night with a bottle of breast milk then they would with just breast. Any length that's longer then their usual is a good improvement. We used to give formula at night as she goes longer on breast milk then formula after 10 weeks old. They may struggle with the volume of formula needed to meet the length most would get with formula.
Does he go longer at night if you give him a bottle of your own milk or is it the same like when he feeds off of you?