The morning bottle is always the one she takes the least from, even though she’s slept through the night for 10-13 hours and therefore not eaten. This morning I tried something a little different, I offered her morning bottle and she took about 5oz and then I offered her about 10 spoons of yoghurt and she took it. I still give her 4-5 bottles a day and she mostly takes them all apart from the morning one.
@Ellie this is exactly my situation atm.. how many bottles is ur baby on?
Mine has a bottle of 4oz around 5am, breakfast 9.30 and will have about 5oz morning milk but only when we are headed out the house! They do say give the milk before the solids but my boy only drinks milk when it suits him, and only in car seat, pram or led in my bed.
My little girl is the same, she has been on three meals a day for quite a while as getting her to drink milk is a struggle! She sleeps through 10-12 hours and I’m lucky if I can get 4oz down her in the morning. She only has three bottles a day now and maybe around 16oz a day. She has never been interested but as long as they’re healthy and doctors are happy with weight etc I wouldn’t worry now they can top up with solids. I am convinced she will just drop milk completely x
4-5 bottles a day. All 7oz but the bedtime one is 8oz x
We do breakfast first now and milk before 1st nap, mid afternoon & then night. She’s up for a feed half the time early hours and sleeps through the other half
Do they have breakfast first or bottle first?
Bottle first. Breakfast 30-45 min later
My baby is 8 months and not interested in milk. Just wants solids haha will refuse milk but always take solids. Some take to it quicker. I just use normal milk. I used to be worried until I spoke to HV. We're wanting them to move to 3 meals a day , they say main nutrition from milk until 1 because they recognise it takes some longer. Just like some crawl at 6 months and some much later Just make sure baby having vitamins if less than 500 ml formula and varied food