I would contact your triage line with you mentioning a change in movements hun
How weird, Im also 36+3 and was up half the night with back pain! Not had any at all this pregnancy til last night. I just saw my midwife and she said its probably the weight of the baby now putting strain on my back but i definitely feel off today. Just going to monitor it til i get any other labour symptoms
I had this on and off since 34 weeks and now I’m 37 and they always led to come and in because it is a sign of pre labour and even though I was not feeling the contractions I was having regular contractions twice. And now they started again so hopefully I will into labour soon. But is always worth calling trage and see what they say.
36+4 today and having consistent ‘braxton bucks’ every 10 minutes and have diarrhoea so I’m not sure if this is a sign or not 🤣 one of my tightening were a little painful so🥹
I am experiencing EXACTLY what you’re describing here and I’m 36+2! I called the midwife for advice & she said to come in to triage as it’s a sign of early labour. I absolutely haaaate waiting around in the hospital & feel like I spend my life there with this pregnancy BUT especially if baby isn’t moving as much as usual, it’s worth getting checked! Maybe call your midwife for advice?