This happened to me with mine at around the same age when I was leaving the feeding cues too late. Try keeping an eye on the early feeding cues and get there before he gets too fussy. I started doing that and it made a world of difference!
@Rachel I’ve been following his cues and for the last 2 days he has literally just been feeding and sleeping! I’m thinking growth spurt? It hurts though, especially when he tugs and clamps a nipple!! Xx
It does sound like a growth spurt and stimulation tactics, but it could also be that he's getting used to the bottle. Do you pace feed? And use the slowest flow size? You could try doing some breast compressions when he is latched on, which can help the milk flow faster and more consistently and make him happier. Also make sure you are pace feeding and doing some extra skin to skin never hurts.
@Charlotte we are pace feeding ☺️ we have to give him a bottle as he’s been struggling to put weight on and so we’ve been told to top him up to help him put weight on. I do the breast compressions too, as advised by the lactation consultant we’ve been seeing since his tongue tie diagnosis.
Does baby spit up a lot? Mine did this - groaned while eating - and ended up having a soy protein intolerance.
@Megan no, he very rarely spits up at all! He’s done it probably 4 times since birth?!
He’s probably having a growth spurt and stimulating your supply. Try skin to skin and feeding in a calm environment