This happened to me at 3 months and we never recovered. She developed a bottle preference that I was never able to break. She'll nurse all night long though while she's asleep 🥴 I hope it turns out better for you.
@Keely he is exactly 5 months
My baby did this! Went 5 hours without eating then let out the biggest fart I ever heard- ate right after that lol
My 4 month old has been doing this as well and i thought it may be due to teething
My son did this sometimes when he was gassy.
My daughter does it too. I’m thinking gas and teething?
My son developed bottle preference too about a month or so ago and won’t breastfeed directly. I wasn’t prepared for it so it was a little sad but at least I don’t have to wean him now!! Thinking of the positives.
Update: After 3 days, the nursing strike is over. He started latching again. 🙌🏼
How old is he?