My symptoms stopped at around 11 weeks as well and I was freaking out. A week later I had cramps and was really uncomfortable so I freaked out again 😅 and requested an ultrasound with my OB. I'm still anxious every day, either about no symptoms or too many... But, Everything is fine! Wishing you just the best and a healthy pregnancy.
Your symptoms lessen around 10/11 weeks as the placenta takes over. I remember being terrified throughout my first pregnancy 😭 you'll get your scan soon and then you will hopefully feel less anxious 💓
Hi Pj, thank you! 🥰 I had spotting when I was on holiday, had a scan everything was fine! I had a midwife appt last week and the hospital told me that there was leukocyte in my urine … they didn’t do anything but I panicked so much I called my doctors and told him and they put me on anti biotics for 3 days which finished yesterday. I’m going to call the midwife today so hopefully my anxiety can ease up! I wish I didn’t realise I was pregnant until I was around 5 months so I didn’t have to be so anxious all the time!! 😂😂😂
Hi TK, thank you so much for the reassurance! I think my friends are sick of me, they all told me to download peanut and vent! 😂😂 wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy! 🥰🥰
hey! its no worries at all doll! i’m really glad to hear everything is alright, honestly i was a bag of nerves with my first too, i was doing loads of tests to make sure i was still pregnant🤣 i hope your midwife does relieve some of that anxiety that you’re feeling! stay strong, once you start feeling those flutters it’ll put your mind at ease A LOT! the second trimester is seriously a beautiful time! enjoy it queen! wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy❤️xxx
I’m the same , I’m worrying too as I’m 11 weeks and I barely noticed any symptoms since 10 weeks.. apparently again it’s normal around this stage x
hey! FTM here! i’ve only just had my baby so can tell you that it took a WHILE for me to feel pregnant. My first trimester i felt like nothing changed except my appetite, i had absolutely no morning sickness or anything. I was just a bit more hungry and thirsty. The second trimester my symptoms barely changed as well, i just started to look more pregnant and have more aversions. I only started to really FEEL pregnant at the third trimester. I’ve had a perfectly healthy baby in October so can tell you, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about unless your doctor says so. You’re way too early to kick count right now so just keep an eye for any bleeding or painful urination (UTI) and if you’re really worried, get private scans. That helped settle my nerves a lot. Hope this helps x