This could potentially be a chemical pregnancy 😔 how far along would you be?
@Kirstie 5+4. I did the clear blue in the morning and the one that says not I did this one an hr ago. Maybe my hcg isn’t high at night
Oh you did them both today? Sorry I didn’t see that. I’d wait and test for tomorrow’s FMU. It could be too diluted. X
I'd go get some bloods done x
Guys I should be okay I’ve tested this morning and my line is darker
Yeah I'd still get bloods done if your 5 weeks +5 days today we would usually see it be slightly darker than that ... although you could be less further along than you think ,that's usually the case make sure the pregnancy is progressing I had exactly the same thing a variety of darkness in the lines a week or two after this I started bleeding and it was a miscarriage,they got darker briefly but then one day it looked really faint for 7-8 weeks pregnant,and that was the same day I lost it ,not to worry you but I think it's time to get blood tests done ,if I knew earlier I would of been able to prepare for it a little better x
Could your urine be too dilute id do another with fmu