So here's the thing, even if your partner feeds your baby. You still need to wake up to pump when the baby is hungry or you risk ruining your supply and possibly losing it. That's why I never pumped at night. It just wasn't worth it to me lmao more dishes, and I still didn't sleep. What we did is I'd feed our son, and then if he didn't fall asleep eating and I needed the sleep, my husband would stay up with him. The first 2 months is pretty important to establish your supply vs demand. Now I did use my haaka on one side to catch while he fed from the other and I got a pretty decent stash from that.
It would be reasonable to do this for a single feed. You don’t want to miss multiple feeds or you can lower supply or cause clogged ducts
You have to pump or breastfeed no matter what through the night especially the first few weeks. Try side lying breastfeeding at night and have your husband burp and change the baby once you’re done.
Honestly, depends on the person. A Haaka never worked for me. It’s important to establish breastfeeding according to baby’s rhythm in that first week. First, you have colostrum and feed on demand, then as your milk comes in anywhere from day 2-7 a rhythm will become a more apparent. Anytime you remove milk you are telling your body to make more. So, as you consider pumping, you’ll want to keep an eye on how your baby is handling your letdown/supply. This is a great question to ask a lactation consultant! They will have lots of experiences and suggestions for you to support your supply, sleep, and baby.