i had baths near enough everyday when i was pregnant with my little boy, just don’t have them too hot x
General advice is to just keep them short no longer than 20 minutes & not too hot! Shouldn’t increase your body temperature too much so as long as it’s not burning hot it’s fine I always have baths x
I have baths all the time, if you buy a bath thermometer (you’ll need one for baby) you can aim for a temperature between 37&38 degrees maximum (some websites say 37 max) which will be the same temperature you’ll put baby in so you’ll be safe and preparing for little one 😊 We have this one (you have to shake to wake) https://www.mamasandpapas.com/products/angelcare-happy-seal-thermometer-288246800?utm_term=37911858970789&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=uk+-+shopping+-+equipment+-+pmax+-+standard&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADsD1FaJMc5PGae_0517RCmmqfVHf&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI98WNzKXriQMVc4ZQBh0ngBNjEAQYASABEgIdpPD_BwE
You’re fine having a bath, just make sure it’s not absolutely ridiculously hot! If you get in and your legs are bright red and it burns your bum, it’s too hot 🤣
I've been having baths throughout as they've been great for soothing pregnancy aches/pains and keeping me relaxed! Just as long as you're not having them super hot to the point where you're bright red and sweating 🤣
I had baths up until I was in labour! Just make sure it's the temperature isn't overly hot and it's fine! I definitely didn't time limit them either! They were great for the pregnancy aches.
Baths are fine. I got a bath thermometer so I know it’s not too hot. It’ll be handy for baby too ☺️
Baths are fine, I’m 29 weeks and I’ve had a few, I think most people would say just don’t have it crazily hot.