I can’t anymore
So my twins are 18months, and atp I’m a very tired . Having preemies does not end at the NICU , and for this very reason i will not have any more kids. I’m constantly at appointments
Regular appointments
Eye appointments
Dentist appointment
Developmental appointments
Therapy appointments
After completing physical therapy now my twins need speech and OT therapy .
I just don’t see how I can complete my degree or find a job anymore. I just need to vent . Tips or advice appreciated 🥲
You'll survive this and look back at the his time with pride because you did it. Right now everything might seem never ending and everything is too much. But you're little ones will grow up, you will grow with them and things will get easier. Don't underestimate what sleep deprivation does to you. I know it's totally cliché and might be annoying to hear, but it helped me so much to really be present and enjoy the small moments of joy when I could. Little hands around your finger, a tiny laugh, seeing them get stronger, learn, grow. Hang in there mama, your feelings are normal and things will get better.