I was the exact same with my daughter last year, had a miscarriage in April but found out I was pregnant again in May. Came up with 1-2 weeks. I was 4 weeks at the time
@Tegan you have made me feel so much better! There’s no way it could be because of tissue that’s left is there? Did you go back hosp to find out you was 4 weeks?
Should it be that faint? I’m driving myself mad here xx
Amazing❤️ so pleased for you that you got your rainbow baby. I think I’ll make a call to my doctor/ EPU just to do the same. Thank you so much xx
My EPU have booked me in for a scan next week🤞🏻xx
@Tegan how far along was you here?xx
1-2 will mean how many weeks since conception :) so you are probs 3-4 weeks pregnant xx