Is co-sleeping the answer?

We’ve never co-slept, it’s never been right for us but I’m wondering if it’s time to start. We’ve had over a month of sleep problems and it’s really taking its toll. I don’t know if co-sleeping is just going to add to the issues. Honestly I think she’ll just climb all over me all night, I have enough of it during the day. But I can’t spend another night sat on her floor for hours on end, in and out while she screams.
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co-sleeping might actually surprise you in how much relief it brings, both for you and your little one. it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but for many families (including mine), it’s been a game changer. i co-sleep with all three of my babies (almost 3 year old, almost 2 year old and 8 week old), and it’s genuinely the best thing in the world. my partner is right next to us on a single bed, we have both beds put together! they’re amazing sleepers and i put it down to co sleeping. , and it’s allowed us to approach sleep with calmness instead of battle. your little one likely just wants to feel close to you right now. co-sleeping can meet that need while helping everyone rest better. research even supports the idea that co-sleeping can promote longer stretches of sleep for little ones, reduce nighttime wake-ups, and build a stronger sense of security and attachment. it can mean fewer disruptions because you’re right there, meeting any needs quickly without the tears escalating.

@Anisha ♡ I can absolutely see how it works for some and it sounds like you’ve found what works for your family which is amazing. I just get so touched out during the day and sleep is the only time I haven’t got a child hanging off me or wanting me. I can’t help but feel it’s not going to help that feeling at all. On the other hand I cannot carry on like this, I’m exhausted and just done with it all

my toddlers fidget quite a lot in their sleep, and they’ve never once invaded my space intentionally and unintentionally! and it’s a pretty tight space, yet they still don’t bother me! little one might need a little time to adjust to sleeping with you but should be fine having their own space when sleeping next to you xx

I get touched out really easily but co-sleeping is just the best for us. Obviously you know what’s best but maybe try one night? Can’t see it making things worse for you

I wouldn't start this late if it were me but I know everyone is different. Toddlers around 18 months and up need a lot of outside time/energy burnt. This is a big part of the 18 month regression (I've heard). This is the video I watched before mine turned 18 months so we kinda skipped this regression. Good luck!!

@Brandi is there a particular reason why you wouldn’t? Just curious to get other people’s views on it. We’re normally religious about going out for a long walk and stopping off at the playground, but she’s been unwell and it’s been difficult. I’m sure it’s played a part but the sleep issues have been going on for more than a month..

We co sleep and honestly it’s saved us. I get touched out too, and I can’t lie, she’s at a point that she needs to be on me quite a lot of the night (but I’m pretty sure this is teething related as it happened before). But generally she’s happy to lie next to me, and it’s the only way she doesn’t wake 1-2 hourly throughout the night (she does still wake 4 times average, but they are very easy and I rarely notice them). I agree that you should just try it. If you both hate it then that’s totally fine!

I’ve always said cosleeping is the best parenting decision i’ve ever made. She’s been in my bed since 2mo and i can’t imagine it any other way! Past age 1 you’re free to sleep however you like and leave them to find their own space, I sleep with my back to my daughter and she has the other half of the bed to herself. if she wakes up to feed she just helps herself and doesn’t disturb me, and we get all the cuddles in the morning with no rush to get out of bed because she’s here with me. i’ve never once had to watch a monitor or anything. I love every moment of it 🫶🏼

Also relating to feeling touched out, I can’t imagine how much it would drive me insane having to get out of bed multiple times throughout the night, or spend hours with an upset baby and not be able to go back to my bed. I feel like that would make me touched out more than anything! Having a content baby sleep next to you all night sounds a million times more appealing to me, even if it technically isn’t ’alone time’. I lay here on my phone after she’s gone to sleep and that is my alone time! She’s not crying or nagging me or needing anything she’s just peacefully sleeping next to me, that’s recharge time in my eyes

Reply to the op: I wouldn't because it would feel like going backwards for me. It took a lot of work to go from contact napping to bed napping. It was a couple months process because we did it very gently but yeah I feel like it's like throwing the towel in. But that is just me! I also think kids want to sleep with contact but once they learn to bed sleep they sleep so much better and feel more rested. Another reason I wouldn't want to go backwards is because i get a lot of time to rest during naps and at night I get some free time to clean up, work on my hobbies, or prep for the next day. I need that time and I think every parent does.

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