So plans have changed. I was originally due December 16th but recently got a cholestasis diagnosis so I am being induced this Sunday November 24. It took the lab like two weeks to get back to me with my results 😑 but I’m glad I was persistent about it cus it’s not something they would’ve checked for in a regular appt..
Also at my 36 week scan they measured my baby two weeks ahead in the 96th percentile and anticipated being 9 pounds if I had went full term. Right now he’s about 7 lbs.
Working on my birth plan now. I go in to meet the Dr on call who will be delivering my baby and will answer any questions about the induction. Also getting non stress test and another ultrasound. It seems like everything changed rather quickly. How is everyone else?
I'm originally due in the 15, but I wanted c section so it would have been the 8th and i had gd and then elevated blood pressure 3 visits in a row so they're having me scheduled c section on the 25 so this Monday. We are estimating him to be around 6 lbs at birth and she's saying it's my elevated bp probably to blame for small birth weight. My first was 5lbs 3oz born at 38 weeks. But in so ready to have him here!!!