My son is still having long naps. His dad would like him to drop them as he actually cries before going to have a nap. But then once he falls asleep he can sleep for 3hrs straight. Today, it was my son who asked for the nap. So I’m not really sure what to do. In my home country, we usually drop naps at 3.5-4yo but here kids go to bed really early so I’m really torn..
Mine went on vacay to her grands and she rarely napped or it would be very late where she should be going to bed but it’s just a nap. Now that she’s back home she usually go down to nap some time between 2-6 sometimes as late as 8 though. But that’s because imo dad goes to work at 2:30 so it’s usually like 3:30/4 cause we’re chilling and she likes to be up late when he comes home which isn’t until 11:30
Normally it’s no nap.. unless we do something really big in the day and he’ll fall asleep in the car ride home. He copes well with or without it but won’t nap at home anymore so we mainly go without
Naps at nursery No naps at home He goes to bed at 7-7.15 on no nap days and bedtime is a breeze, sleeps through until around 7ish next day. No evening melt downs or grumpiness which is how we knew he was ready as he didn’t seem over tired x
We were still having a 2 hour nap happily, but when we would wake him he would be so grumpy! We tried to shorten it, and my god that was even worse! Our problem was that 7pm bedtime was turning into not falling asleep until 8:30, he would just lay there and chat, sing and play with his teddy’s but as he is now sharing his room with baby brother we needed no disruptions It’s gone well so far
He always naps at nursery and never at home. Somehow they manage to put everyone down for a nap at 12:15 whereas for me it is impossible to convince him to lay down even. But he manages fine without one either.
My LO used to nap at nursery but not so much weekends, however now naps are hit and miss at nursery too so I think it’s on the way out! X