Phantom Period?
Wondering if anybody else has dealt with something similar, not looking for medical advice.
I am 5 months pp exclusively breast-feeding. I got my first cycle in October. I was expected to start another cycle this last week, but nothing however I am experiencing some cramping and other period symptoms without the period ? There is a chance of conceiving, but I have taken two pregnancy test and they both come back negative so I’m thinking that’s not the case. I did test for ovulation after my last cycle & know when I “peaked” but wondering if it was not correct? Just feeling confused because no period but not pregnant but still feeling cramps 🥲
Yes, that happened to me on my last cycle. I ended up getting my period about 2 weeks after my expected start date, my cycle was 46 days as opposed to my average pre pregnancy which was 30 days. I also took multiple pregnancy tests to make sure and they were all negative.