Hello lovely just want to say I am so incredibly sorry you’re going through this and feeling this way. May I ask where abouts you are from? Reason being I don’t mind travelling to you (within distance up to 1hour 30 ish) to help even if it’s for the day so you can get sone sleep? Let me know lovely I know how hard it is but I can’t even imagine for you. Also had your partner family got any involvement? You could even ask them if needs be if that’s an option. Jsut know that it won’t be like this forever, I know at moment if feels it but thetr really is light at the end of the tunnel , please just hold on a little bit longer and this struggle will all be a distant memory. You’re super mum please remember how truly amazing you really are to your babies ❤️
And be kind to yourself mummy, you’re doing absolutely amazing
I cannot imagine what you are going through. Would early weaning help with reflux and sleep maybe? If you are around the Birmingham area I could come help you if you want. I am going out of the country soon for the holidays but I can maybe help before or after I am back xx
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear all this. As per the above comments, please say where abouts you are and us Peanut mums can lend a hand. I’m Southampton based and would gladly come over for a play date so that you can have a rest! I’m so sorry that you’ve had such a rough time.. I really hope you’ve got some close friends or family who can help xx
I'm so sorry that you're going through this horrid time, you're doing an incredible job! And I have nothing but praise for you. I'm sure if all of us mums could help we sure would! Have you got any other family to help? Even if it's just to take care of the one child? They could stay with you for a week/couple of days? Us mums deep down know that it will always get better, but we are constantly thinking when. When things get tough I just remind myself that I'm sleep deprived, and if I wasn't so tired that things would be better as you would be able to have the patience and feel all round better day to day. I hope that you can receive some sort of help and things get a little easier for you. Feel free to inbox me to vent or even just to have a chat! Big hugs x