Jaundice/elevated bilirubin and ALT
Breast milk jaundice???
My 8 week old has been jaundice (but improving since birth)
Pediatrician thinks it’s breast milk jaundice but we got some labs done to see his levels
Between his two blood tests his bilirubin (total) decreased, but his ALT and bilirubin free increased
She recommended we see a gastroenterologist for follow up
SO IM TERRIFIED AND WORRIED NOW. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yes, it happened to my son at birth. He also had to get his blood drawn at the lab after we were discharged from the hospital. Honestly, it is not a good place to be cos I watched them draw blood from his feet several times and was determined to not let it happen again. So I give him enough breast milk (4ounces every 2-3 hrs) and supplemented with formula (enfamil enspire). Then I gave him 2 drops of cod liver oil (not the recommended vit. D). All these combined helped him pee and poo out all the jaundice till we got the clear. We did all these within 1 week. Now he’s 10 weeks old.